Hello, it’s a pleasure to share this remarkable podcast episode with you featuring Francisco Kaiut, creator of the Kaiut Yoga method. It’s rare to hear Francisco interviewed in English. In this recent episode of Permission to Shine, Francisco offers details about the origins of Kaiut Yoga, including his story about the childhood shooting accident that launched him on a path to find natural healing. I hope you enjoy listening to Francisco’s nuanced thoughts about yoga, creativity, pain, and connecting with your human potential.

Francisco Kaiut

“This work was designed not to fit into a box or a formula. Basically, the idea of yoga is a reconnection with your ancestral origin, your basic innate potential. Yoga has always been designed to deliver that, which means it needs to be unique in so many ways. It needs to be impossible to fit into a box. Everything is about diversity of stimuli: diversity of biomechanical stimulation, but also the rhythm, the pace, the way you place your mind and your focus, and the way you play with the different rhythms, but always sustainably. I want you to go from the age of 28 to 78 without really experiencing any major biomechanical losses. I want you to experience gains in the process of aging 40, 50, or 60 years.”– Francisco Kaiut