Kaiut Yoga. Yoga for everybody.


Hello and welcome! My name is Laura Tyler. I am an artist, a yoga teacher, and school owner at Kaiut Yoga Highlands. The Highlands school represents a joining of two related but different interests of mine: deep aesthetic experiences and managing the reality of living in a human body.

Let me be clear. Kaiut Yoga isn’t about how you look. It’s about how you feel. At Kaiut Yoga we offer comprehensive education in how to deal with your body that begins with joint mobility and nervous system support and extends to all physical processes.

A little about me: I’ve been practicing with Francisco Kaiut, creator of the Kaiut Yoga Method, since 2015. I started teaching in 2018. I have an intense pain history that is in the process of resolving through my yoga practice. Prior to finding Kaiut Yoga I studied Iyengar Yoga at the Iyengar Yoga Center of Boulder. All told, I have over twenty years of experience enjoying yoga in different forms.

If you’re dealing with pain, if you’re seeking self knowledge or a greater comprehension of your human experience, you’re in the right place! I’m glad you’re here and excited to start sharing this transformational work with you.

Laura Tyler Kaiut Yoga Highlands Denver


In Kaiut Yoga classes we use the walls and the floor to interact with gravity intelligently so that you experience a deep practice that delivers physical and mental relief. We use joint stimulation to connect the brain and body creating a cycle of positive results with infinite potential. Classes are inclusive. Anybody can attend. Positions are adaptable depending on your body’s unique needs.

How Kaiut Yoga Is Different
  • Kaiut Yoga is yoga for everybody. You don’t need to be young and bendy to practice with us. Profound benefits are available to all regardless of your age or health status.
  • At Kaiut Yoga we value function over form. We view yoga positions as a tool for developing structure and mobility, It’s never about how you look in the pose.
  • Kaiut Yoga delivers tangible results. You get to feel your body changing.
  • Tested for over 30 years, Kaiut Yoga is based on scientific concepts and method.
Hand resting


“Once your body is balanced through the practice of yoga and is free from pain, discomfort, swelling, weight and fatigue, naturally your mind is free, calm and balanced to reflect on your living condition in all its aspects.”

– Francisco Kaiut

Francisco Kaiut, creator of Kaiut Yoga, is an internationally renowned yoga teacher based in São Paulo, Brazil. As a child, Francisco suffered an accident with a firearm that changed his life forever. The chronic pain that resulted launched him on a journey through the world of natural health in search of relief. Mixing chiropractic knowledge with therapeutic massage and yoga, Francisco created the Kaiut Yoga method, which has relieved his own pain while also providing people with a powerful tool for reducing the negative impacts of modern living.

Francisco Kaiut